Mind, Body, Spirit Connections

Friday, April 22, 2011

April 22, 2011

Happy Birthday Mother Earth~

Today is Earth Day 2011 and a day to celebrate this wonderous planet.

Last couple of days I've been writing about our earth not knowing that today was Earth Day! I love how that happens.

Did you know how Earth Day Started?

The following piece is written by Sandy Sandler about One Man’s Persistence~

"Earth Day is one of those remarkable holidays! It is remarkable because it started with one man’s vision and grew into something that is recognized and respected globally. Senator Nelson, Founder of Earth Day, was perplexed and bothered that the state of the environment was not an important issue in politics. How could the conservation of our planet not be at the forefront of everyone’s mind and hearts?

In 1963, Senator Nelson persuades John F. Kennedy to make a nationwide conservation tour. And though, President Kennedy made several speeches on conservation it drew very little media attention.

Then in 1969, Senator Nelson had the idea to have a “teach-in” on the environment. The idea was sparked from the anti-Vietnam War “teach-ins” that college campuses had to protest the war. Nelson wrote letters to colleges and even sent a letter to Scholastic Magazine to tell young students about the special day he had planned.

The grass-roots effort for Earth Day was exceptional and on April 22, 1970 the first Earth Day was held. An estimated twenty million people participated in educational activities and community events demonstrating their interest in the environment. Congress recessed for the day so that House and Senate members could speak about the environment and attend community events. Earth Day was a success!

One man’s persistence and dedication to preserving our planet created a national day of conservation.
I am inspired by the history of Earth Day and knowing that one person’s perseverance can create a ripple effect that inspires others to make a difference."

I love this story because it again reminds us that we can and do make a difference. One person, with a vision, and a healthy dose of perseverance can inspire millions. As I wrote yesterday, each and every action you take towards healing the earth does make a difference!

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