Mind, Body, Spirit Connections

Monday, June 27, 2011

June 27, 2011

INATS Postscript~

First things first... I'm home!!! Yea. Being on the road for two weeks is a bit tiring! Although the trip was fabulous, and we experienced many adventures, there is "no place like home" as Dorothy so aptly claimed. It is wonderful to be in our own bed, to cook at home, and to rub Millie's back witnessing first hand that she is just fine.

The truth? I am exhausted. I can hardly keep my eyes open. It is only 5:45pm Colorado time, 7:45pm our time, but I feel like it is midnight. And, this is ok! It is part of the integration process.

I wanted to share Sunday's events as I was a bit disheartened by Saturday, conveniently blaming the 'flowerly pastel dress'. Black worked! More people came to the booth and there were more sales. We did not break even, but the experience was worth it and the seeds planted will bear fruit. This I know.

The courgeous person in this INATS story is Julie King of Rota Productions. It was her idea to do a co-op booth where we could share space and decrease costs. Brilliant. And, it afford us "little guys" the opportunity to be present and to, at the very least, introduce our products. What you don't know is that Julie left her mother, during her final days on this earth, to honor her commitment to us. She flew to Colorado to represent 20 different artists, musicians, and small businesses at INATS. She knew as she stepped onto that plane Thursday, that she may not make it back in time before her mother died.

And, she did not~

Julie's mom died last night. I don't know too many people who would honor their commitment in the face of their mother's death. I witnessed first hand the internal struggle Julie was experiencing, and also the knowing that she had made the right choice, even if that was not 'her' choice. I also know that Julie's mom was proud of her decision, the integrity of her decision, and the commitment to serve the higher good. Not many people can rise to this level of integrity and honor.

I applaud you Julie, And, I applaud Julie's mom, who on some deep level let her daughter go and serve the greater good, knowing that her daughter, who had cared for her in her final months, was not going to be there in her final moments to say good-bye.


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