Mind, Body, Spirit Connections

Monday, November 7, 2011

Intention of the Day~

Surviving the party~

It's a funny thing about parties; especially surprise parties. You spend a lot of time planning, sneaking around, and, in my case, being really sneaky about the sneaking around because I am with Andy 24/7 now working at the store. And then, in a flash -- it's over!

Where did everyone go? I didn't get to spend time with anyone (even my birthday boy)...too busy running around tending to the details. Where are the limes? Egads, we're out of Scotch! Can someone cut open the dinner rolls?

Well, you get the idea. Needless to say, I missed my Sunday blog, and very late with my intention for the day.

My excuse? I threw one damn good party, thanks to my "sneaky" angels who helped me pull off Andy's 65th birthday party.

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