Mind, Body, Spirit Connections

Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Moment in Jennifer's Life~

Happy Anniversary~

It's our first anniversary. We are celebrating on St. Simon's Island. We just played a roaring game of golf in the rain. My soggy toes are still drying out! We had a blast and the weather didn't matter one little bit.

It's hard to believe that we were married a year ago on the 7th hole of  "our" golf course. It was a perfect day. I am more in love with Andy today, than I was a year ago.

We treasure our routines and the special ways we appreciate each other. Each morning, while I am "in gratitude", Andy gets up and empties the dishwasher, feeds the animals, makes the coffee, and gets our vitamins (don't hate me). We now walk 3 miles in the early morning which gives us time to connect and discuss the upcoming day. I take over in the evenings. I pamper Andy and make him wonderful dinner concoctions that always include the 'anti-cancer' foods.

I must admit, I was nervous that I would experience a 'snap around'. The definition of a 'snap around'? "A sudden and abrupt change in character that leads to the demise of a relationship".  Believe me, my fear-based 'snap arounds' were based in reality and have caused much heartache. Andy's steady, loving and gentle presence, has dissolved my fear of a 'snap around'.

I am most grateful for this new freedom ~ thank you baby!

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