Celebrating the presence of God~
The presence of God surrounds us and lives within us.
So many of us are seeking -- love, solace, peace, and acceptance. Many are in a place where it is hard to feel the presence of God; to know that we are held and cradled. The path of self-realization is one of devotion, courage, faith and love. It is also a path where we must go within, be silent and listen. God will not be found outside of ourselves; s/he may be reflected in our loved one's eyes, or in the beauty of Nature, but the presence of God will be found and felt through your love and devotion. Love for God and the desire to serve are the qualities needed to experience Divine Love. Gurudeva once said to Daya Mata: "Be so drunk with the love of God night and day that you won't know anything but God; and give that love to all."
And how do we become drunk with the love of God? How do we stay present, our hearts focused only on God, everyday? I imagine it will be different for each person. I start my day in prayer and gratitude. I try to spend time in meditation and reflection; asking for guidance and surrendering to the Divine Will. I realized today that I need to spend more time in meditation.
More than anything, I want to be in service; an instrument for divine love. I need to be more vigilent with my practice of Ahimsa. "Non-violence through thought, word and deed." Be impeccable with your word. It is so easy to lose balance, and prespective, when life becomes more chaotic.
I am celebrating this awareness today and my return to a more devoted practice. A return to balance admist the chaos of these times. I am celebrating being cradled in the arms of the Christ. To be alive, healthy and in service. I breathe in this awareness, with hands over my heart, and thank God for my life.
And with gratitude, I say "Thank you. Thank you. Yes. Yes."
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