Mind, Body, Spirit Connections

Monday, June 13, 2011

June 13, 2011

Going to INATS~


INATS spelled out is International New Age Trade Show. INATS is being held in Denver, Colorado and there will be hundreds of vendors and thousands of buyers.

I am an INATS virgin~

Sometimes I think it is perferable to just jump in blindly and not know what lies ahead of you because if you did...you might not jump. Sort of like why we can't see our futures! I really have no idea what I am getting into and the idea of being around all of these businesses and retail buyers gives me the goose bumps. But, what an opportunity to meet new people, network and introduce our products.

The preparation has been intense. A re-tooled website (check it out - http://www.intentheals.com/), new products, sample size of new products, flyers, table tents, free shipping incentives, newsletter, packing of products and all of the myraid details that are intrinsic in a trip of this magnitude.

Don't feel too sorry for us as we are combining this with a trip to Wyoming first. Seventeen couples are flying out to "Old Baldy" in Saratoga, Wyoming to golf and play for 4 days. We will then travel up to Yellowstone park to hike and sightsee. Then meander down to Colorado where I will attend the INATS event.


May we make a big splash in this ocean of vendors and retailers!

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