Mind, Body, Spirit Connections

Friday, April 1, 2011

April 1, 2011

Remembering a friend~

Tomorrow I will teach my first Reiki class in over 7 years. I am thrilled and honored and looking forward to initiating these three beautiful woman to the incredible healing energy of Reiki.

As it has been so long since I last taught a class, I've been reviewing my old Reiki papers, writings, and the symbols. As I sifted through these papers, I found a sticky note on top of one stack with a name and number.


Monica was a beautiful German woman who worked at the Alzheimer's Association in Indianapolis. I was the Program Director and Monica and I became quick friends. She had left Germany as a young girl, both parents dead, and came to live in America with distant relatives. Her life had not been easy. And, yet, Monica was an extraordinary person who had such a light. This remarkable woman showed up to work every day enthusiastic, willing to go the extra mile, and was a joy to be around.

In one of our conversations, she learned that I was a Reiki master and asked me to teach a class. I did for her and a couple of the other staff interested in healing. It was the last class I taught. Monica would ask me to please teach her Reiki II. She loved  Reiki and wanted to learn more. She would gently remind me every three months or so. I promised her I would, but I was TOO busy to make the time...teenage kids, a divorce, and then I eventually left the Alzheimer's Association.

It was not long after I left the Association that I was called and informed that Monica had been murdered. She had gone home to walk her dog during her lunch hour, as she always did, and happened on someone burglarizing her home.

I've never spoken or written of my profound regret that I did not teach Monica Reiki II. It still haunts me. How could I have let this beautiful soul down?

I hope you join us tomorrow Monica. I know you have forgiven me, even if I have not forgiven myself.

I miss you~

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