Mind, Body, Spirit Connections

Sunday, March 27, 2011

March 27, 2011

Mothers and daughters~

I am a mother.

I have a daughter who is soon going to be eighteen years old. I watch her from a distance, amazed by her and her inner beauty. She has a wisdom beyond her years. She would tell you earned from the hardships she has had to endure. And, without betraying confidence, I will adamantly state that my daughter has suffered more than her fair share in her short life.

I am overcome in this moment, and my eyes fill with tears as I think about what my Zoe has endured.

And, yet, she does not complain or make her issues anyone elses. I can not explain her indominatable spirit or her inner strength. I watch and I admire. She is my teacher. Her grace, compassion and love for others is something to behold.

Today, she showed me once again her ability to stay steadfast in the face of disappointment. She hung out with a boy last night; someone that gives her butterflies. Possible boyfriends are new for Zoe (so this was big). At the end of the night, he hugged her goodbye. Then, he texted and said "Sorry, I meant to kiss you. But, I realized I wasn't feeling it."

Hello, can we just keep our texting mouth shut? Yes, I am a "mama bear" and I was mad.

But my Zoe said, "Mom, it's OK. I am not going to let him get me down".

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