Mind, Body, Spirit Connections

Thursday, February 15, 2007


"Indigo's Intent Heals Journals bring the power of prayer to a wonderful new level. Each day I write in this small book the names of loved ones I want to remember as well as the places and people in the world where I want to direct special attention.

"It is meaningful to me that once having written with intention in my prayer book, I hold it between my hands each morning and know that my love is being directed to each and every person that I've named. I also know that because all prayer heals, the energy of my prayers move beyond the special people I'm praying for and adds to the powerful global energy of peace. We purchased prayer books for a Stillpoint fundraiser to support our women's healing programs, and every last book was sold. I'm certainly going to continue to buy them and share them. I urge every organization to use these special prayer books for their own fundraisers surely we need all of our prayers as we move from the old forms to the new forms in this world. A beautiful and meaningful way to share our prayers."

- Meredith Young-Sowers, D.Div
Director, Stillpoint Foundation and School
Author of: Wisdom Bowls, Angelic Messenger Cards and Agartha: A Journey to the Stars

"For years, I've been keeping a list of people I pray for on my altar. When I saw one of the Intent Heals Journals last spring, I knew it was perfect for this. Small, simple, easily rests on my altar, I can cup it within my hands for prayer and it travels well. I am part of a healing prayer group. When I get the monthly list of those asking for prayers, I tuck it into my journal so it is included in my daily prayers. I can continue to add people and situations to it as the need arises. I've also given it as a special gift to friends. Thank you for bringing this beautiful, meaningful simplicity into my life."

- With Appreciation, Cheryl C. Monroe, WA.

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