Mind, Body, Spirit Connections

Thursday, December 10, 2009

My Life's Purpose

My life's purpose has unfolded and revealed itself with each non-profit organization I have worked for over the past twenty-six years. Being intimate with another human being's suffering and pain has engendered compassion, being witness to the indomitable strength of the human spirit in the face of adversity has engendered humility, and learning to listen to my heart and inner voice has ignited the passion and faith to walk a path of personal, interpersonal and global healing. The Intent Heals Journal™ began with my journey of being guided by Spirit to create a written record and pray for every person I had known.

In the past three years, the Intent Heals Journal™ has reached thousands through workshops, website sales, and working with non-profit organizations like Hospice to provide healing and forgiveness at the end-of-life. To expand the reach of the Intent Heals Journal and Intentional Healing, we have formed the Intent Heals Foundation and applied for tax exempt status so that we may raise funds to distribute the journals in prisons and to our soldiers and their families. The Foundation will also raise funds to complete the development of a Children's Educational Kit and program to teach students the value of community service and of our global interconnectedness.

Please check back for updates on the Foundation's activites.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Catalyzing Transformation

A Transformation

By Ann Jerome, PhD, CCH, RSHom(NA)
Director, Academy of Classical Homeopathy

Homeopathy certainly transformed my life. I was a tenured college professor, happy in a wonderful job in a lovely small town. With the help of a professional homeopath, I watched homeopathy erase my two young children’s ear infections, nightmares, and recurrent strep throat, and I started to read and take courses. Within a few years, I was using homeopathy to help friends and family, and soon I realized that my life had taken a new direction – and I had to follow.

Shocking everyone around me, I resigned from my tenured position and struck out as a homeopath. In my own office I watched homeopathy heal asthma, arthritis, allergies, celiac disease, depression, anxiety, hyperactivity, and much more. To my even greater amazement, I saw it awaken people to their inner truth, healing broken spirits and broken homes.

It wasn’t long before the teacher in me came to homeopathy, too, and I began to teach aspiring professionals. Now, nearly 20 years later, I’ve taught several generations of homeopaths and dedicated myself to helping people learn about this simple, safe mode of healing. I’ve served national boards for certification, education, and outreach; I’ve written exam questions and curricula; I’ve authored articles and given presentations around the country. In a way, my first career came to fruition in my second career, where my passion came to life.

Most important, I’ve created a way to bring this gentle, consistent, inspiring modality to busy people everywhere. I now direct a school where we teach live online classes, bringing our students together into a vibrant learning community that supports each and every one in our growth as individuals and as healers.

How to Learn Homeopathy

Most of us in homeopathy are adult learners, juggling jobs and families. We can’t afford the time or money to go to school full time. Most homeopathy schools require students to pay for a year at a time and come to class for a full weekend a month, usually traveling and staying in hotels. After teaching in this model for ten years, I created a format that works much better.

Our classes are from three to eight weeks long, and students commit to only one course at a time. Each course meets live online one evening a week. Students talk with their teachers and each other during class; between class meetings, there’s homework and written discussion in a private online forum. Class meetings are recorded for those who miss one. The curriculum is college-style, with required courses and elective ones. Students can study at their own pace, taking as long as they need to complete the curriculum. Those with previous training can start wherever it’s appropriate for them. And there are classes starting all year round.

Learning homeopathy is a transforming experience – it opens us to inspirational truths about the nature of life itself. We invite all who are interested to join our warm and vibrant community of learning.